initial version of avifile testing framework plus the first simple tests

Julius Schwartzenberg julius.schwartzenberg at
Fri Dec 25 13:29:43 CST 2009

 dlls/avifil32/tests/api.c |  320 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 320 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/avifil32/tests/api.c b/dlls/avifil32/tests/api.c
index 55b194f..cfef4dc 100644
--- a/dlls/avifil32/tests/api.c
+++ b/dlls/avifil32/tests/api.c
@@ -35,6 +35,138 @@ static const CHAR winetest1[] = "winetest1";
 /* ########################### */
+typedef struct common_avi_headers {
+    MainAVIHeader   mah;
+    AVIStreamHeader ash0;
+    AVIStreamHeader ash1;
+    PCMWAVEFORMAT   pcmwf;
+static const MainAVIHeader defmah =
+    0x00008256, /* dwMicroSecPerFrame   */
+    0x000080e8, /* dwMaxBytesPerSec     */
+    0x00000000, /* dwPaddingGranularity */
+    0x00000910, /* dwFlags              */
+    1,          /* dwTotalFrames        */
+    0,          /* dwInitialFrames      */
+    2,          /* dwStreams            */
+    0x00100000, /* dwSuggestedBufferSize*/
+    8,          /* dwWidth              */
+    6,          /* dwHeight             */
+    { 0, 0, 0, 0 } /* dwReserved[4] */
+static const AVIStreamHeader defash0 =
+    streamtypeVIDEO, /* fccType              */
+    0x30323449,      /* fccHandler           */
+    0x00000000,      /* dwFlags              */
+    0,               /* wPriority            */
+    0,               /* wLanguage            */
+    0,               /* dwInitialFrames      */
+    0x000003e9,      /* dwScale              */
+    0x00007530,      /* dwRate               */
+    0,               /* dwStart              */
+    1,               /* dwLength             */
+    0x00100000,      /* dwSuggestedBufferSize*/
+    0xffffffff,      /* dwQuality            */
+    0,               /* dwSampleSize         */
+    { 0, 0, 0, 0 }   /* short left right top bottom */
+static const AVIStreamHeader defash1 =
+    /* AVIStreamHeader */
+    streamtypeAUDIO, /* fccType              */
+    1,               /* fccHandler           */
+    0,               /* dwFlags              */
+    0,               /* wPriority            */
+    0,               /* wLanguage            */
+    0,               /* dwInitialFrames      */
+    1,               /* dwScale              */
+    0x00002b11,      /* dwRate               */
+    0,               /* dwStart              */
+    0x00000665,      /* dwLength             */
+    0x00003000,      /* dwSuggestedBufferSize*/
+    0xffffffff,      /* dwQuality            */
+    2,               /* dwSampleSize         */
+    { 0, 0, 0, 0 }   /* short left right top bottom */
+static const PCMWAVEFORMAT defpcmwf =
+    {
+        1,      /* wFormatTag      */
+        2,      /* nChannels       */
+        11025,  /* nSamplesPerSec  */
+        22050,  /* nAvgBytesPerSec */
+        2,      /* nBlockAlign     */
+    },
+    8,      /* wBitsPerSample  */
+/* Extra data needed to get the VFW API to load the file */
+static DWORD file_header[] =
+    FOURCC_RIFF, 0x34c6 /* length */, formtypeAVI,
+    FOURCC_LIST, 0x1ac /* length */,
+    listtypeAVIHEADER, ckidAVIMAINHDR, sizeof(MainAVIHeader),
+/* MainAVIHeader mah */
+static DWORD streamlist[] =
+    FOURCC_LIST, 0xd4 /* length */,
+    listtypeSTREAMHEADER, ckidSTREAMHEADER, 0x38 /* length */,
+/* AVIStreamHeader ash0 */
+static DWORD videostreamformat[] =
+    ckidSTREAMFORMAT, 0x28 /* length */,
+    0x00000028, 0x00000008, 0x00000006, 0x00180001,
+    0x30323449, 0x00000090, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+    0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+static DWORD padding1[] =
+    ckidAVIPADDING, 0xc /* length */,
+    0x00000004, 0x00000000, 0x63643030
+static DWORD videopropheader[] =
+    0x70727076, 0x44 /* length */,
+    0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+    0x0000001e, 0x00000008, 0x00000006, 0x00100009,
+    0x00000008, 0x00000006, 0x00000001, 0x00000006,
+    0x00000008, 0x00000006, 0x00000008, 0x00000000,
+    0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+    FOURCC_LIST, 0x70 /* length */,
+    listtypeSTREAMHEADER, ckidSTREAMHEADER, 0x38 /* length */,
+/* AVIStreamHeader ash1 */
+static DWORD audiostreamformat_pre[] =
+    ckidSTREAMFORMAT, sizeof(PCMWAVEFORMAT) /* length */,
+/* PCMWAVEFORMAT pcmwf */
+static DWORD data[] =
+    ckidAVIPADDING, 0xc /* length */,
+    0x00000004, 0x00000000, 0x62773130,
+    ckidAVIPADDING, 0xc /* length */,
+    0x6c6d646f, 0x686c6d64, 0x000000f8,
+    FOURCC_LIST, 0x18 /* length */,
+    0x4f464e49,
+    0x54465349, 0xc /* length */,
+    0x6676614c, 0x332e3235, 0x00302e37,
+    ckidAVIPADDING, 0x4 /* length */,
+    0,
+    FOURCC_LIST, 0xd1b /* length */, listtypeAVIMOVIE,
+    0, 0
+/* ########################### */
 static void test_AVISaveOptions(void)
@@ -87,11 +219,199 @@ static void test_AVISaveOptions(void)
 /* ########################### */
+static void init_test_struct(COMMON_AVI_HEADERS *cah)
+    memcpy(&cah->mah, &defmah, sizeof(defmah));
+    memcpy(&cah->ash0, &defash0, sizeof(defash0));
+    memcpy(&cah->ash1, &defash1, sizeof(defash1));
+    memcpy(&cah->pcmwf, &defpcmwf, sizeof(defpcmwf));
+static void create_avi_file(const COMMON_AVI_HEADERS *cah)
+    HANDLE hFile;
+    DWORD written;
+    ok(hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "Couldn't create file\n");
+    WriteFile(hFile, file_header, sizeof(file_header), &written, NULL);
+    WriteFile(hFile, &cah->mah, sizeof(MainAVIHeader), &written, NULL);
+    WriteFile(hFile, streamlist, sizeof(streamlist), &written, NULL);
+    WriteFile(hFile, &cah->ash0, 0x38, &written, NULL);
+    WriteFile(hFile, videostreamformat, sizeof(videostreamformat), &written, NULL);
+    WriteFile(hFile, padding1, sizeof(padding1), &written, NULL);
+    WriteFile(hFile, videopropheader, sizeof(videopropheader), &written, NULL);
+    WriteFile(hFile, &cah->ash1, 0x38, &written, NULL);
+    WriteFile(hFile, audiostreamformat_pre, sizeof(audiostreamformat_pre), &written, NULL);
+    WriteFile(hFile, &cah->pcmwf, sizeof(PCMWAVEFORMAT), &written, NULL);
+    WriteFile(hFile, data, sizeof(data), &written, NULL);
+    CloseHandle(hFile);
+static void test_default_data(void)
+    PAVIFILE pFile;
+    int res;
+    LONG lSize;
+    PAVISTREAM pStream0;
+    PAVISTREAM pStream1;
+    init_test_struct(&cah);
+    create_avi_file(&cah);
+    res = AVIFileOpen(&pFile, "small.avi", OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE, 0L);
+    ok(res == 0, "Unable to open file: error=%u\n", res);
+    res = AVIFileGetStream(pFile, &pStream0, 0, 0);
+    ok(res == 0, "Unable to open video stream: error=%u\n", res);
+    res = AVIFileGetStream(pFile, &pStream1, 0, 1);
+    ok(res == 0, "Unable to open audio stream: error=%u\n", res);
+    res = AVIStreamInfo(pStream0, &asi0, sizeof(AVISTREAMINFO));
+    ok(res == 0, "Unable to read stream info: error=%u\n", res);
+    res = AVIStreamInfo(pStream1, &asi1, sizeof(AVISTREAMINFO));
+    ok(res == 0, "Unable to read stream info: error=%u\n", res);
+    res = AVIStreamReadFormat(pStream0, AVIStreamStart(pStream1), NULL, &lSize);
+    ok(res == 0, "Unable to read format size: error=%u\n", res);
+    res = AVIStreamReadFormat(pStream1, AVIStreamStart(pStream1), &wfx, &lSize);
+    ok(res == 0, "Unable to read format: error=%u\n", res);
+    ok(asi0.fccType == streamtypeVIDEO, "got 0x%x (expected streamtypeVIDEO)\n", asi0.fccType);
+    ok(asi0.fccHandler == 0x30323449, "got 0x%x (expected 0x30323449)\n", asi0.fccHandler);
+    ok(asi0.dwFlags == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n", asi0.dwFlags);
+    ok(asi0.wPriority == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n", asi0.wPriority);
+    ok(asi0.wLanguage == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n", asi0.wLanguage);
+    ok(asi0.dwScale == 1001, "got %u (expected 1001)\n", asi0.dwScale);
+    ok(asi0.dwRate == 30000, "got %u (expected 30000)\n", asi0.dwRate);
+    ok(asi0.dwStart == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n", asi0.dwStart);
+    ok(asi0.dwLength == 1, "got %u (expected 1)\n", asi0.dwLength);
+    ok(asi0.dwInitialFrames == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n", asi0.dwInitialFrames);
+    ok(asi0.dwSuggestedBufferSize == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n", asi0.dwSuggestedBufferSize);
+    ok(asi0.dwQuality == 0xffffffff, "got 0x%x (expected 0xffffffff)\n", asi0.dwQuality);
+    ok(asi0.dwSampleSize == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n", asi0.dwSampleSize);
+    ok(asi0.rcFrame.left == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n", asi0.rcFrame.left);
+    ok( == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n",;
+    ok(asi0.rcFrame.right == 8, "got %u (expected 8)\n", asi0.rcFrame.right);  /* these are based on the values in the mah and not */
+    ok(asi0.rcFrame.bottom == 6, "got %u (expected 6)\n", asi0.rcFrame.bottom);/* on the ones in the ash which are 0 here */
+    ok(asi0.dwEditCount == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n", asi0.dwEditCount);
+    ok(asi0.dwFormatChangeCount == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n)", asi0.dwFormatChangeCount);
+    ok(asi1.fccType == streamtypeAUDIO, "got 0x%x (expected streamtypeVIDEO)\n", asi1.fccType);
+    ok(asi1.fccHandler == 0x1, "got 0x%x (expected 0x1)\n", asi1.fccHandler);
+    ok(asi1.dwFlags == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n", asi1.dwFlags);
+    ok(asi1.wPriority == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n", asi1.wPriority);
+    ok(asi1.wLanguage == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n", asi1.wLanguage);
+    ok(asi1.dwScale == 1, "got %u (expected 1)\n", asi1.dwScale);
+    ok(asi1.dwRate == 11025, "got %u (expected 11025)\n", asi1.dwRate);
+    ok(asi1.dwStart == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n", asi1.dwStart);
+    ok(asi1.dwLength == 1637, "got %u (expected 1637)\n", asi1.dwLength);
+    ok(asi1.dwInitialFrames == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n", asi1.dwInitialFrames);
+    ok(asi1.dwSuggestedBufferSize == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n", asi1.dwSuggestedBufferSize);
+    ok(asi1.dwQuality == 0xffffffff, "got 0x%x (expected 0xffffffff)\n", asi1.dwQuality);
+    ok(asi1.dwSampleSize == 2, "got %u (expected 2)\n", asi1.dwSampleSize);
+    ok(asi1.rcFrame.left == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n", asi1.rcFrame.left);
+    ok( == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n",;
+    ok(asi1.rcFrame.right == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n", asi1.rcFrame.right);
+    ok(asi1.rcFrame.bottom == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n", asi1.rcFrame.bottom);
+    ok(asi1.dwEditCount == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n", asi1.dwEditCount);
+    ok(asi1.dwFormatChangeCount == 0, "got %u (expected 0)\n)", asi1.dwFormatChangeCount);
+    ok(wfx.wFormatTag == 1, "got %u (expected 1)\n",wfx.wFormatTag);
+    ok(wfx.nChannels == 2, "got %u (expected 2)\n",wfx.nChannels);
+    ok(wfx.wFormatTag == 1, "got %u (expected 1)\n",wfx.wFormatTag);
+    ok(wfx.nSamplesPerSec == 11025, "got %u (expected 11025)\n",wfx.nSamplesPerSec);
+    ok(wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec == 22050, "got %u (expected 22050)\n",wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec);
+    ok(wfx.nBlockAlign == 2, "got %u (expected 2)\n",wfx.nBlockAlign);
+    AVIStreamRelease(pStream0);
+    AVIStreamRelease(pStream1);
+    AVIFileRelease(pFile);
+    ok(DeleteFile("small.avi") !=0, "Deleting file small.avi failed");
+static void test_ash1_corruption(void) {
+    PAVIFILE pFile;
+    int res;
+    PAVISTREAM pStream1;
+    init_test_struct(&cah);
+    /* Corrupt the sample size in the audio stream header */
+    cah.ash1.dwSampleSize = 0xdeadbeef;
+    create_avi_file(&cah);
+    res = AVIFileOpen(&pFile, "small.avi", OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE, 0L);
+    ok(res == 0, "Unable to open file: error=%u\n", res);
+    res = AVIFileGetStream(pFile, &pStream1, 0, 1);
+    ok(res == 0, "Unable to open audio stream: error=%u\n", res);
+    res = AVIStreamInfo(pStream1, &asi1, sizeof(AVISTREAMINFO));
+    ok(res == 0, "Unable to read stream info: error=%u\n", res);
+    /* The result will still be 2, because the value is dynamically replaced with the nBlockAlign
+       value from the stream format header. The next test will prove this */
+    ok(asi1.dwSampleSize == 2, "got %u (expected 2)\n", asi1.dwSampleSize);
+    AVIStreamRelease(pStream1);
+    AVIFileRelease(pFile);
+    ok(DeleteFile("small.avi") !=0, "Deleting file small.avi failed");
+static void test_ash1_corruption2(void) {
+    PAVIFILE pFile;
+    int res;
+    PAVISTREAM pStream1;
+    init_test_struct(&cah);
+    /* Corrupt the block alignment in the audio format header */
+ = 0xdead;
+    create_avi_file(&cah);
+    res = AVIFileOpen(&pFile, "small.avi", OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE, 0L);
+    ok(res == 0, "Unable to open file: error=%u\n", res);
+    res = AVIFileGetStream(pFile, &pStream1, 0, 1);
+    ok(res == 0, "Unable to open audio stream: error=%u\n", res);
+    ok(AVIStreamInfo(pStream1, &asi1, sizeof(AVISTREAMINFO)) == 0, "Unable to read stream info\n");
+    /* The result will also be the corrupt value, as explained above. */
+    ok(asi1.dwSampleSize == 0xdead, "got %u (expected 0xdead)\n", asi1.dwSampleSize);
+    AVIStreamRelease(pStream1);
+    AVIFileRelease(pFile);
+    ok(DeleteFile("small.avi") !=0, "Deleting file small.avi failed");
+/* ########################### */
+    test_default_data();
+    test_ash1_corruption();
+    test_ash1_corruption2();


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