Removing WPARAM/LPARAM Casts

Michael Stefaniuc mstefani at
Wed Dec 30 07:26:50 CST 2009


On 12/30/2009 02:07 AM, James McKenzie wrote:
> Michael Stefaniuc wrote:
>> On 12/28/2009 03:06 AM, James Mckenzie wrote:
>>> I've noticed that Michael Stefuic (sp?) has removed quite a few
>>> WPARAM/LPARAM casts when calling SendMessage() and was
>>> wondering/inquiring if he was going do this to riched20/tests/editor.c
>>> since I noticed he put in a change for riched20.
>>> Michael are you going to do so, or are you going to leave this to
>>> others?
>> All but one change in the riched20 patch where for
>> riched20/tests/editor.c.
> Michael:
> Thank you.  I've been working on the EM_FORMATRANGE patch and would like
> to make changes in the tests to see what happens and if the tests remain
> valid for Wine and Windows.
I don't have any patch pending for the riched20/tests for the moment. 
And even if I would don't bother about me; those patches are 
automatically generated and I can regenerate them at will. Also in case 
of a conflict Alexandre will prefer the non-janitorial patch.


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