itss: Replace malloc() with HeapAlloc()

Francois Gouget fgouget at
Wed Feb 11 09:35:42 CST 2009

On Tue, 10 Feb 2009, Andrew Talbot wrote:
> There are also many calls to realloc() - a function with complexities of its
> own - and other functions with "realloc" in their name.

Good point. Here are the ones I noticed:

dlls/rsaenh/mpi.c:3668:    if ((tmp = realloc (a->dp, sizeof (mp_digit) * a->used)) == NULL) {
dlls/rsaenh/mpi.c:72:    tmp = realloc (a->dp, sizeof (mp_digit) * size);
dlls/twain_32/dsm_ctrl.c:87:			devices = realloc(devices, sizeof(devices[0])*(nrdevices+1));

dlls/advapi32/tests/registry.c:55:    if ((ret = realloc( list[idx], size ))) list[idx] = ret;
dlls/ddraw/tests/ddrawmodes.c:97:	    modes = realloc(modes, (modes_size *= 2) * sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC));
dlls/mstask/tests/task.c:41:    if ((ret = realloc(list[idx], size)))
dlls/oleaut32/tests/tmarshal.c:59:    if ((ret = realloc( list[idx], size ))) list[idx] = ret;
dlls/userenv/tests/userenv.c:54:    if ((ret = realloc( list[idx], size ))) list[idx] = ret;

And we even have two calls to calloc()!
dlls/winedos/int33.c:267:    MCALLDATA *data = calloc(1,sizeof(MCALLDATA));
dlls/winedos/devices.c:137:    hdr_ptr = calloc(1,sizeof(void *)+extra);

Francois Gouget <fgouget at>    
 "Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ men just upload their important stuff on
       ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it ;)" -- Linus Torvalds

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