Commit stats

Eric Pouech eric.pouech at
Thu Jan 1 06:59:35 CST 2009

Hans Leidekker a écrit :
> $ for year in {2002..2008}; do \
>   count=$( git log | grep ^Date: | grep $year | wc -l ); \
>   echo "Number of commits in $year: $count"; \
>   done
> Number of commits in 2002: 3094
> Number of commits in 2003: 3283
> Number of commits in 2004: 3851
> Number of commits in 2005: 6006
> Number of commits in 2006: 8431
> Number of commits in 2007: 9532
> Number of commits in 2008: 11292
>  -Hans
digging a bit deeper:
for year in {2002..2008}; do \
count=$( git log | grep -2 -e "^Date.*$year" | grep ^Author: | sed -e 
's/<.*>//' | LC_ALL=C sort -u -f | wc -l ); \
echo "Number of committers $count in year: $year"; \
Number of committers 185 in year: 2002
Number of committers 166 in year: 2003
Number of committers 183 in year: 2004
Number of committers 211 in year: 2005
Number of committers 197 in year: 2006
Number of committers 217 in year: 2007
Number of committers 234 in year: 2008

of course, this doesn't take into account the different names used by 
the same person (ie there is for example a "frangois gouget" in the 
committers' list...)
but this gives a good idea of the variation

Eric Pouech
"The problem with designing something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of a complete idiot." (Douglas Adams)

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