RFC: fd.o file type association integration

Damjan Jovanovic damjan.jov at gmail.com
Thu Jan 15 14:31:36 CST 2009


I've hacked together a little program (attached) that creates
freedesktop file type associations (eg. open .dev files with Dev-C++
when you double-click them in a file manager) from what Windows
programs do in the registry (#13597).

Currently it works well, but has to be run explicitly to refresh the
associations. Ideally we'd have something in Wine that automatically
refreshes the associations when they change, but since they are done
in the registry, what's the way to go here? Do it on every wineboot,
or in some permanently running process (explorer?) that monitors the
registry for changes?

Also what is a good way to invent a MIME type for an extension?
Currently for a .ext extension I'm just using application/x-wine-ext.

Comments much appreciated.
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