Warnings on the translation page

Michael Stefaniuc mstefani at redhat.com
Fri Jul 10 03:36:19 CDT 2009

Paul Vriens wrote:
> Hi,
> I found an anomaly on the translations page. Whenever the Makefile shows
>  a generic rc file (last one added for RC_SRCS) the language before that
> shows warnings on the page. Example:
> http://source.winehq.org/transl/lang.php?lang=004%3A01
> zh (Chinese (Traditional)) shows up most of the warning as the entries
> in the Makefile are sorted.
> Not sure yet, if this is an issue with wrc or transl.
wrc is fine; just tested it out with wrc --verify-translation.
The errors shown are:
ERR: resource 0002/1307 has translation(s) but not available in NEUTRAL
or MASTER language
ERR: resource 0002/104 has translation(s) but not available in NEUTRAL
or MASTER language
ERR: resource 0106/1312 has translation(s) but not available in NEUTRAL
or MASTER language
transl seems to assign those to the last language.

I wonder if the first number is the language id.


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