[riched20/tests] Changed tests for EM_FORMATRANGE

James Mckenzie jjmckenzie51 at earthlink.net
Tue Mar 17 08:57:35 CDT 2009

Paul Vriens <paul.vriens.wine at gmail.com> wrote on March 16th:
>I've been playing with this and just wanted to see if anybody has comments on
>these changed tests.
>Tests succeed on Win95/Win98 and W2K3 with every possible resolution (as we are 
>not relying on the resolution anymore) and 96/120 dpi.

Looks good to me.  I still need someone to pick up the actual implementation code and work with it.  I have other priorities right now and think that Tony Rollo's code will not work and will require major rework to function properly with RichOLE.

James McKenzie

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