today's git broke winetricks gecko :-(

Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle at Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle at
Mon Nov 30 09:57:10 CST 2009

Jacek Caban wrote:
>You should understand, that we don't want users to have problems due to 
>*lack* of Gecko.
Fair enough.

> Instead you just said that 
>you pollute winetest results with your bad configuration.
Are you being rude or what?
I've not been polluting anything.  I've -- quite simply -- used for
years a (seemingly) perfectly reasonable and supported[*] configuration,
namely a Wine without Gecko.  Austin English too has provided
"ae-nogecko" test data for ages.

[*] "you can avoid problems" in WineGecko is not at all
the same as "It is highly recommended that you install Gecko in order
to avoid mysterious failures even with applications that do not seem to
have anything to do at all with HTML.  That's not how Windows works."

Well, as I said  earlier, my next Mac testdata will use Gecko.

I'd appreciate if the WineGecko page could be augmented with a recommendation
about how to add Gecko to an existing .wine.  I'm used to
rm .wine/.update-timestamp
wine winecfg
Is that fine?

	Jörg Höhle.

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