[PATCH 1/4] comctl32/tooltips: Fix an obviously wrong structure size check (try2)

Paul Vriens paul.vriens.wine at gmail.com
Mon Oct 19 03:06:56 CDT 2009

On 10/15/2009 12:59 PM, Nikolay Sivov wrote:
> Changelog:
>      - try2: fixed usage of W calls in tests, fixed some typos
>      - fix an obviously wrong structure size check

Hi Nikolay,

I have been checking the failures for these tests. At first I just 
wanted to add some broken() statements.

Looking at test.winehq.org I can see that the test failure output is 
different sometimes. Changing the following for every call:

ti.cbSize = TTTOOLINFO[AW]_V2_SIZE - sizeof(void*);

make the output consistent (still different from comctl32 > 5.81).

What would be the best way to fix these tests? Add a define for the size 
of the struct that differs between "_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501" and the 
earlier versions and then have a second possible result (or broken())?

Another thing is that this test doesn't have any ok()'s, what was the 
intention here?:

457     ti.cbSize = TTTOOLINFOA_V2_SIZE;
458     ti.uId = 0x1234ABCD;
459     ti.lParam = 0xaaaaaaaa;
460     r = SendMessageA(hwnd, TTM_SETTOOLINFOA, 0, (LPARAM)&ti);



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