[PATCH 5] winmm/tests: Add MCI waveaudio tests.

Paul Vriens paul.vriens.wine at gmail.com
Tue Oct 27 04:21:36 CDT 2009

On 10/27/2009 10:13 AM, Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle at t-systems.com wrote:
> Reece dunn wrote:
>> Once the fix has been added, the todo_wine bit can be removed.
> I know about it and skip and win_skip thanks to Michael Karcher's excellent text:
> http://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-devel/2008-October/069721.html
> The problem is that running the full tests crashes or hangs Wine,
> but not MS-Windows platforms.  A hang or crash yields less useable results
> on test.winehq and is not nice to users.
>> Other platforms will be picked up on the tests.winehq.org site.
> What I'm missing is sort of the converse of skip:
> Perform a test on all platforms *except* Wine, such that I can later
> observe on test.winehq the results of a variety of original MS-Windows systems
> - many more than the few I can access.
> How to achieve this?
> Thanks,
> 	Jörg Höhle
Isn't there anything in your current test suite that succeeds on Windows 
but fails on Wine? This could be as simple as returning a different last 
error, or not exporting a function (a one not used yet, of course).



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