kernel32: add more tests for FormatMessage{A,W}

Louis Lenders xerox_xerox2000 at
Wed Oct 28 08:31:40 CDT 2009

>FormatMessage uses the same backend to find the requested resource as
>FindResource does, so I'd guess that they both fail in the same way
>when a resource id or a language does not exist in the module. Parsing
>an actual resource data is not necessary.

ok, but isn't that test already in tests/resource.c? See code snippet below: Or do i get it wrong?

    rsrc = FindResourceExW( GetModuleHandle(0), (LPCWSTR)RT_MENU, (LPCWSTR)MAKEINTRESOURCE(1),
                            MAKELANGID( LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL ));
    ok( rsrc != 0, "resource not found\n" );
    rsrc = FindResourceExW( GetModuleHandle(0), (LPCWSTR)RT_MENU, (LPCWSTR)MAKEINTRESOURCE(1),
                            MAKELANGID( LANG_GERMAN, SUBLANG_DEFAULT ));
    ok( rsrc != 0, "resource not found\n" );

    SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
    rsrc = FindResourceW( GetModuleHandle(0), (LPCWSTR)MAKEINTRESOURCE(1), (LPCWSTR)RT_DIALOG );
    ok( !rsrc, "resource found\n" );
    ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND, "wrong error %u\n", GetLastError() );

    SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
    rsrc = FindResourceW( GetModuleHandle(0), (LPCWSTR)MAKEINTRESOURCE(2), (LPCWSTR)RT_MENU );
    ok( !rsrc, "resource found\n" );
    ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_RESOURCE_NAME_NOT_FOUND, "wrong error %u\n", GetLastError() );

    SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
    rsrc = FindResourceExW( GetModuleHandle(0), (LPCWSTR)RT_MENU, (LPCWSTR)MAKEINTRESOURCE(1),
                            MAKELANGID( LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT ) );
    ok( !rsrc, "resource found\n" );
    ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_RESOURCE_LANG_NOT_FOUND, "wrong error %u\n", GetLastError() );

    SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
    rsrc = FindResourceExW( GetModuleHandle(0), (LPCWSTR)RT_MENU, (LPCWSTR)MAKEINTRESOURCE(1),
                            MAKELANGID( LANG_FRENCH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT ) );
    ok( !rsrc, "resource found\n" );
    ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_RESOURCE_LANG_NOT_FOUND, "wrong error %u\n", GetLastError() );


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