HLSL Compiler and d3dcompiler_xx.dll

Matteo Bruni matteo.mystral at gmail.com
Wed Apr 14 11:47:05 CDT 2010

> dlls/wineshader doesn't exist in that tree?

Check if you are in the correct branch (should be the "compiler"
branch in his tree).

>> Lastly, a bit on testing the compiler. I'm not sure trying to get
>> exactly the same bytecode as native is a feasible objective: while for
>> an assembler program there is only one correct translation, this is
>> not true for a compiler. Moreover I expect each iteration of the
>> Microsoft compiler could produce a different output with the same
>> shader program, so there isn't a "right" implementation to compare
>> with. I agree, this makes testing the compiler much harder...
> I think that with a lot of testing, the logic behind can be figured
> out. Then the compiler can be built around this logic. This could
> possibly even work for a lot of optimizations.

What I mean is that there could not be a single logic behind, I expect
to find differences between the various d3dcompiler_xx dlls,
expecially regarding the optimizations. You could just pick a version
to compare against and try to stick with that, but maybe this is not
the best thing to do.
On the other hand, with optimizations disabled maybe this doable (but
then you aren't testing the optimizer).

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