Trace/breakpoint trap using VS2008 remote debugger

Joe Dluzen jdluzen at
Thu Dec 9 12:02:24 CST 2010

The remote debugger is on Mint 9 32 under WINE1.2 in a virtual
machine. VS2008 is on the host PC, Win7 64. The only command line
output is that "Trace/breakpoint trap" line, and then the program

I've filed a bug here:
and a HowTo here:

2010/12/9 André Hentschel <nerv at>:
> Am 07.12.2010 22:23, schrieb Joe Dluzen:
>> Hi all,
>> I've got the Visual Studio Remote Debugger working with breakpoints,
>> but not with forcing the process to pause. It immediately exits with
>> "Trace/breakpoint trap." I've tried looking up the error, but it seems
>> that no one has this specific set of circumstances. Any ideas?
>> Thanks,
>> Joe
> I guess you get no response because people don't know what you are talking about.
> Maybe you are on the wrong Mailinglist?
> In which direction do you use the remote debugger, from inside Wine to some windowsmachine?
> Any commandline output?
> --
> Best Regards, André Hentschel

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