[PATCH 2/5] qedit: Add pins, IMemInputPin implementation and grabbing to SampleGrabber (try 4)

Nikolay Sivov bunglehead at gmail.com
Sun Feb 7 08:26:59 CST 2010

On 2/5/2010 17:54, Paul Chitescu wrote:
> Changelog:
> 	qedit: Add pins, IMemInputPin implementation and grabbing to SampleGrabber
> This time I checked it applies. Sorry.
+/* Sample Grabber pin implementation */

+typedef struct _SG_Pin {
+    IPin pin;

This should be const IPinVtbl.

+    WCHAR const *name;
+    struct _SG_Impl *sg;
+    IPin *pair;

If it's a list why not SG_Pin* here?

+} SG_Pin;

Also I don't see why such helpers are needed:
static ULONG SampleGrabber_addref(SG_Impl *This)
Why not use common Ixxxx_AddRef() on grabber anywhere you need it?

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