[rfc] initial conformance test for programs/cmd

Dan Kegel dank at kegel.com
Sat Jan 2 10:36:54 CST 2010

On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 5:25 AM, Eric Pouech <eric.pouech at orange.fr> wrote:
> what I don't like in current design:
> - it requires external files to the generic .c file (but putting it into a
> resource would do)

The current design *does* put the external files into a resource, so
I think I've satisfied that already.

> - but more importantly, you cannot simply have a result that depends on some
> test conditions or previous results (for example "date"...)
> - also it won't allow to use some "interactive" features of cmd (like
> filename completion on tab)
> so I'd better like an approach where you decide, command by command, which
> input strings you send to cmd and how to interpret the final result out of
> the shell. the file approach you're currently using could be of course
> implemented on top of this first layer

I'm fine with adding those, but I'd prefer to do it later.
The current simple approach will handle most of what
we need.  It has already found lots of problems.
- Dan

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