wiki slightly broken still?

Dan Kegel dank at
Thu Jul 29 12:41:16 CDT 2010

On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 9:01 AM, Dimi Paun <dimi at> wrote:
>> Should we also add another hurdle (possibly even manual approval)
>> to make it harder for spammers to get accounts?
> Now that this issue is fixed, we can look again at the spam
> problem. It was suggested that we use a 'TextChas' for non
> logged in users:
> But it seems it's not too easy to come up with decent questions.
> Should we try it?

I like the idea.  It is hard, but here are some possible questions:

"What is the first name of the Finn who created the Linux operating system?"
"What is the abbreviation for the GNU C Compiler?"
"What is the name of the simple text editor that comes with Windows?"
"Complete the phrase: ____ screen of death"
"What is the name for a billion bytes?"

I have no idea if those will faze spammers.
- Dan

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