4/4 wined3d: move color keyed blitting in its own function

Henri Verbeet hverbeet at gmail.com
Mon Mar 22 16:49:49 CDT 2010

On 22 March 2010 22:36, Roderick Colenbrander <thunderbird2k at gmail.com> wrote:
> +static HRESULT surface_blt_color_keyed_surface_to_drawable(IWineD3DSurfaceImpl *This, const RECT *DestRect, IWineD3DSurfaceImpl *Src, const RECT *SrcRect, DWORD Flags, WINEDDCOLORKEY SrcColorkey)

Calling the destination surface "This" isn't a sane naming convention.
When you create a "new" function, try to make it at least somewhat
sane and consistent, rather than just cutting and pasting something

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