Summer of Code applicant with ambition!

Edward Savage epssyis at
Tue Mar 30 18:11:05 CDT 2010

<snip thread>

Sorry this is a little off topic from D3D but maybe what the OP is
looking for.

I'm not sure how easy it is but .net 3.5 sp1 is currently a blocker
for several high profile games that would otherwise work well with
Wine, and many others that may work.  .net needs to install correctly
and function well enough so that generic .net game lunchers run and
(importantly) Games for Windows Live runs and authenticates.  GFWL is
what many of these games rely on and it is currently blocked by .net
so it's unknown how well it runs under Wine but it does install

This maybe suited to a GSoC project and in my opinion would have the
greatest positive outcome for gamers.


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