More benchmarks of 3d performance comparing windows and linux

Octavian Voicu octavian.voicu at
Mon May 10 16:31:28 CDT 2010

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 3:49 PM, Dan Kegel <dank at> wrote:
> Are there any other benchmarks we should consider adding?

Eve Online:
- there are many Eve players who depend on wine, so making it run
faster should make many happy
- lots of graphics options (so many different aspects can be tested)

Downside is that it is an MMORPG, and I don't know how easy it can be
scripted. Maybe some other Eve players here have more experience with
that. There is an in-game FPS window which draws a graph, but I'm not
sure about writing FPS to files. Also, there is both a live server
(Singularity) and a test server (Tranquility).

Another problem is that wine-1.43 seems to give an error with d3d when
starting up (unimplemented function d3dx9_36.dll.D3DXCreateEffectEx --
I did notice there is a recent patch in git that adds a stub). I
should reinstall the game with an empty prefix and test again. A few
wine betas ago it was surely working, so if there are any regressions
they will hopefully be fixed soon.


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