new winetricks 20100526: new verbs alldlls=builtin, forcemono, mmdevapi=disabled, utorrent

Dan Kegel dank at
Wed May 26 20:09:17 CDT 2010

Another month, another Winetricks.

Online as always at
(Bug reports to the issue tracker at the above URL, please.)


Dan Kegel:
- Added mmdevapi=disabled verb
- Don't require ~/.winetrickscache to be owned by the user, to allow a
readonly cache owned by root.
- Sandbox: disable updating of wineprefix when wine version changes to
keep unix shell filesystem from being re-enabled.
- Mention that steam crashes if corefonts not installed
- Steam now defaults to embedded chrome instead of ie, so don't need
as many prereqs.
- Add alldlls=builtin, alldlls=default verbs

Eleazar Galano:
- Added utorrent verb (patch by eg)

Austin English:
- Update shockwave sha1sum
- Add 'forcemono' to aid in dotnet/mono debugging
- Update Mono to 2.6.4

Andrew Nguyen:
- Register the extracted wsh57 dll's.

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