[PATCH 1/3] ntdll: NtCancelIoFile(Ex) enters a nonaleratable wait state instead of an alertable one, this allows system apcs to run but blocks user apcs

Alexandre Julliard julliard at winehq.org
Fri Aug 5 10:00:23 CDT 2011

Bernhard Loos <bernhardloos at googlemail.com> writes:

> Well, windows doesn't run user apcs at this point, as the tests show.
> I'm not completly sure, if the wait the nonalertable wait is needed to
> run system io apc of the cancelled operation, but an alertable wait
> seems to be wrong.

There's no need for a wait to run system APCs. We run user APCs here
because they are needed to free memory, so this would have to be changed

Alexandre Julliard
julliard at winehq.org

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