[PATCH 1/6] server: Add server-side raw input functions definitions

Vincas Miliūnas vincas.miliunas at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 23:37:21 CDT 2011

On 06/16/2011 01:00 AM, Vitaliy Margolen wrote:
> On 06/14/2011 02:45 AM, Vincas Miliūnas wrote:
>> This is a partial raw input implementation for mouse and keyboard.
>> I've read in the IRC chat, that products of tools/make_request should
>> not
> be included in a patch, so I left them out.
>> My first attempts were by leeching input events from queue_mouse_message
> and queue_keyboard_message functions, but I couldn't get mouse cursor
> movement right. Instead, I copied the way dinput receives input - by
> installing low level hooks and forwarding input to the server. This is just
> to get "try 1" out of the door. Of course, it would be better if the input
> feed would be server-side only.
>> I hit a very weird bug, where in peek_message function, info.msg.lParam
> was impossible to set with the proper lParam (it was correct in
> reply->lparam) value, instead is was overwritten by some constant. That was
> happening only for the messages sent by the patch using post_message. I
> guess the tales of server-side dragons hold some truth... If anyone wants to
> try to reproduce it, just recompile without the unused #include "user.h" in
> raw_input.c and run user32 tests.
>> This patch game-tested and works for Quake Live (in_mouse 2 for raw
> input), World of Tanks and Risen.
> I'm not sure I like your approach and that AJ would like it either.
> Raw input is an "override" of regular messages caused by mouse/keyboard 
> input. Wine server already receives these messages from x11drv (see 
> __wine_send_input & co).
> When applications requests raw input events you need to tell wine server if 
> it needs to send regular events, or ignore all events, and produce raw input 
> events instead.
> Vitaliy.
Yes, that's how the RIDEV_NOLEGACY device flag works. The application has an option to opt-in for it, but both means of providing input can take place in parallel.

Well, the current patch is an non-invasive way to emulate raw input. It does not deal with the actual hardware devices, configuring the input subsystem, etc, like the windows version does. But the goal is to find the right answer :)

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