Wine compatibility

Scott Ritchie scott at
Mon Mar 28 07:30:01 CDT 2011

On 03/23/2011 11:02 AM, Juan Lang wrote:
>> What I meant as 'clean start' is that they could drop all hacks in 64bit
>> environment. I wonder if that happened.
> Speculating whether MS would have done this is probably not a very
> useful exercise.  Still, I'd say it's exceedingly improbable:
> 1. The cost of reviewing all the code for what might be a hack is
> high, and what's the benefit?  Less code to maintain can't be an
> answer, because the 32-bit versions of Windows still need the hacks.
> 2. Apps written for 64-bit Windows aren't created in a vacuum:
> they're probably ported from a 32-bit codebase first, or 32-bit and
> 64-bit versions are co-developed.  The same, possibly erroneous
> assumptions that a 32-bit application might make would therefore need
> to be maintained in a 64-bit version.
> A better place to ask questions like these might be
> --Juan

Still, we're probably not going to encounter the 64-bit equivalent of
"If program is simcity, do this with the memory instead of that"

Though there are probably many newer hacks to worry about instead.

--Scott Ritchie

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