[PATCH 1/4] kernel32: Support UTF-7 in MultiByteToWideChar.

Alex Henrie alexhenrie24 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 9 22:52:38 CST 2012

2012/12/6 Alexandre Julliard <julliard at winehq.org>:
> If you can't think of anything to test beyond the handful of cases you
> already have, then you shouldn't be implementing that function. There's
> no hope that your code will be able to cope with invalid input if you
> can't even imagine what invalid input could look like.

My submission already tests invalid input. I see now that I could test
the ASCII range more thoroughly, and I didn't include tests for base64
sequences terminated without a - sign (which are perfectly valid), but
how can I know whether you're looking for this or something else? Who
could I ask for help?


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