Obscure texts and invalid translations

Lauri Kenttä lauri.kentta at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 13:26:21 CST 2012


Wine has many texts, especially error messages, that are almost 
impossible to translate without knowing what they're really about. Some 
are also easy to misunderstand.

An example from dlls/kernel32/winerror.mc:
msgid "Notify change request in progress.\n"

Some interpretations:
de, nb: "A request for notifications about changes is in progress."
fr, sv: "A request to change a notification is in progress."
it, pt: Both have their own versions, I think.

There are many more such cases, although the difference is usually in 
only one or two languages. (Unfortunately it didn't occur to me to put 
them down from the beginning, so I can't give you a list. I'll just 
mention "Challenge Password" before I forget that, too.)

1) What should I do if I wanted to clarify a msgid? Just change the 
original .rc file?

2) Is there a way to add helpful comments to all language files at once 
without changing the msgid?

3) What should I do if I spot a suspicious translation? Spam the 
Bugzilla, contact the Last-Translator personally, or send patches to add 
#fuzzy comments and hope I'm right? And if it's wrong in many of the 
languages I can read, it's probably wrong in some others as well; who 
would check them all?

4) There has been discussions about some translation websites. Is there 
a chance that such a website would allow easy tagging of potential 

Lauri Kenttä

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