[5/6] start: Support getting the file to open by AppleEvent. (resend)

Per Johansson per at morth.org
Tue Sep 25 01:48:46 CDT 2012


I should probably add a note that when I wrote this I had some doubts it it
belongs in start.exe, and I still somewhat do.

The alternative would be to write a new program. The advantage to that is:

1. start.exe is left more similar to it's windows counterpart.
2. This other program could handle multiple files sent in the same
AppleEvent, which is possible.
3. The same program could also act as a proxy for a dock icon, handling
clicks and activating windows (this is a later project).

I'd imagine it'd be called winehostproxy or somesuch and handle several
types of interaction with the host (is that what we call it btw?). If you
think that's more appropriate I can work on that instead of adding this to

Per Johansson

2012/9/23 Per Johansson <pelle at morth.org>

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