[PATCH 1/3] d3dx9_36: Add support for DIB file in D3DXGetImageInfoFromFileInMemory. (try 2)

Rico Schüller kgbricola at web.de
Tue Apr 23 02:07:18 CDT 2013

On 22.04.2013 23:08, Christian Costa wrote:
> +typedef struct {
> +    DWORD bc2Size;
> +    DWORD bc2Width;
> +    DWORD bc2Height;
> +    WORD  bc2Planes;
> +    WORD  bc2BitCount;
> +    DWORD bc2Compression;
> +    DWORD bc2SizeImage;
> +    DWORD bc2XRes;
> +    DWORD bc2YRes;
> +    DWORD bc2ClrUsed;
> +    DWORD bc2ClrImportant;
> +    /* same as BITMAPINFOHEADER until this point */
> +    WORD  bc2ResUnit;
> +    WORD  bc2Reserved;
> +    WORD  bc2Orientation;
> +    WORD  bc2Halftoning;
> +    DWORD bc2HalftoneSize1;
> +    DWORD bc2HalftoneSize2;
> +    DWORD bc2ColorSpace;
> +    DWORD bc2AppData;

Do we really need a typedef here? For only locally used structs, I think 
we shouldn't use a typedef. Also the struct is only used to determine 
the size and for nothing else? There may be a better way to do that... 
Maybe something like in dlls/windowscodecs/icoformat.c ?

I think you got inspired by dlls/windowscodecs/bmpdecode.c, there is the 
same issue. Why do we need a typedef, if we only use it in one file to 
calculate the size?

> +    BITMAPFILEHEADER *header;
> +    if ((header_size == sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)) ||
> +        (header_size == sizeof(BITMAPV4HEADER)) ||
> +        (header_size == sizeof(BITMAPV5HEADER)) ||
> +        (header_size == sizeof(BITMAPCOREHEADER2)))
> +    {
> +        /* All structures have the same memory layout as BITMAPINFOHEADER */
> +        ULONG count = header->biClrUsed;
> +    else if (header_size == sizeof(BITMAPCOREHEADER))
> +    {

I don't think it's a good idea to use variable names multiple times. 
While this works fine it may be a bit confusing...


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