Help to create a server request

Bruno Jesus 00cpxxx at
Fri Aug 30 07:34:32 CDT 2013

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 10:38 PM, Charles Davis <cdavis5x at> wrote:
> To add a new request to the server, you first add a definition to server/protocol.def . This file is processed by the make_requests tool, which generates a bunch of other files from it. The syntax of the server protocol definition file is somewhat like Objective-C (if you've ever used or seen that). A typical server request definition looks like this:
> @REQ(request_name)
>     /* input parameters go here */
>     int input;
>     obj_handle_t handle; /* don't use Windows types */
>     /* output values go here */
>     int output;
> @END

Thanks for the information, before sending the email I tried making
the DECL_HANDLER and used with SERVER_START_REQ but I was not aware of
the server/protocol.def so it was not working.

> There's lots of examples throughout Wine of this in action, especially in lower-level DLLs like ntdll and kernel32; I encourage you to look at them. (That's how I figured all this out, after all.) If you have any more questions (and not just because you were too lazy to even look ;), feel free to ask.
> Chip

Thank you again, I guess now I can do it correctly. Basically it's the
opposite of the create_socket message.


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