[wine-devel] Re: Bug 24018 which appears to be a showstopper for running Cygwin on Wine

Hin-Tak Leung htl10 at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Jun 29 16:34:31 CDT 2013

--- On Sat, 29/6/13, Alan W. Irwin <irwin at beluga.phys.uvic.ca> wrote:

> > Also, running cygwin on wine, compared to other windows
> software
> which has no unix/linux equivalents, is hardly a priority.
> That is obviously personally true for you.  And for my
> personal needs
> Cygwin on Wine is a "would be nice" software build and test
> platform.

No. Just the fact that nobody else bothered to respond to this thread should convince you that getting cygwin is not a priority to most people who is knowledgeable and capable of hacking wine.

As for true for me - well, I have fixed or help fixed a few issue of wine with running microsoft products - embedded IE rendering, and Microsoft's development tool chain (yes, I am talking about Visual C++, and nmake, [Microsoft's make], and microsoft's manifest modification tool whose name I forget - the tool for Microsoft's way of modifying executable binaries post-compilation). Obviously my interests lies elsewhere. Mingw works alright. Cygwin is just not a priority for my time, and I sincerely hope that other people who are capable of improving wine would spend their time on more worthwhile causes.

p.s. using words like "showstopper" actually put people off.

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