gdiplus: Implement GdipCreateRegionRgnData. Take 2.

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Mon Nov 18 22:13:00 CST 2013

Vincent Povirk <madewokherd at> wrote:

> > Supposedly Wine implementation of GdipCreateRegionRgnData should just
> > support the format of data Wine's GdipGetRegionData. If there are cases
> > when application feed data created by Windows gdiplus support for that
> > cases could be added later.
> We have to support the same format as Windows because this is a
> serialization format. Why would you be writing tests for the output of
> GdipGetRegionData if you didn't intend to be compatible?

Just in case some applications depend on it. So far noone cared, at least
regarding bug reports.

> It's fine to not support the cases we don't need now, but we should
> have FIXME's in place so we can tell when that lack of support breaks
> an application.

Current GdipCreateRegionRgnData implementation fully supports data
generated by GdipGetRegionData, and I don't have an intention to
pollute the code with useless FIXMEs. If you have an application
that doesn't work with my implementation then just file a bug report
and I'll have a look.


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