server: Add support for pending write flag to the serial device. Take 2.

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Tue Oct 22 21:07:54 CDT 2013

Alexandre Julliard <julliard at> wrote:

> It doesn't work here:
> ../../../tools/runtest -q -P wine -T ../../.. -M kernel32.dll -p comm.c && touch comm.ok
> comm.c:860: Test failed: WaitCommEvent failed with a timeout
> comm.c:881: Test failed: WaitCommEvent error 997
> comm.c:882: Test failed: WaitCommEvent: expected EV_TXEMPTY, got 0
> comm.c:887: Test failed: WaitCommEvent used 1003 ms for waiting

Could you please generate a +relay,+tid,+comm,+server log for me?


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