wpcap: Load libpcap dynamically

Vincent Povirk madewokherd at gmail.com
Thu Aug 28 11:17:27 CDT 2014

On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 7:03 AM, Scott Ritchie <scottritchie at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> As an update for the Ubuntu packages, I have opted for modifying the
> package rules rather than patching wine.  As a general rule I like to
> minimize the number of patches to upstream in my packages.  I would
> still recommend applying Andre's patch upstream as it provides some
> consistency with the way the rest of Wine operates, but it's no big
> deal.

I think it's consistent with the rest of Wine as it is now. We
generally don't load dependencies dynamically if the dll would be
completely useless without them (e.g. openal32, mscms, winex11, every
sound driver). Openal at least is truly optional, in that Wine should
be just as compatible without it (it's not part of Windows, so all
Windows apps that need it should ship with a usable native version).

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