Implementation of IDwriteFactory::CreateCustomFontCollection

Guillaume Charifi guillaume.charifi at
Fri Aug 29 06:47:04 CDT 2014

Hello, I heard you are working on IDwriteFactory::CreateCustomFontCollection implementation, so I attached my current work, if it can help.
It's almost done, just this part, retrieving the font family name to effectively save it, is to be implemented (even if Adobe Creative Cloud works with this changes):

+        if(!This->families) {
+            This->count = 1;
+            This->alloc = 1;
+            This->families = heap_alloc(This->alloc * sizeof(WCHAR *));
+            This->families[0] = heap_strdupW((const WCHAR[]){'d','u','m','m','y',0});
+        } else {
+            add_family_syscollection(This, (const WCHAR[]){'d','u','m','m','y',0});
+        }

In the hope it could be useful,
-------------- next part --------------
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