Rename "Version" field to "Earliest Affected Version" in Bugzilla?

Jerome Leclanche adys.wh at
Mon Feb 10 01:47:50 CST 2014

On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 7:28 AM, Dmitry Timoshkov <dmitry at> wrote:
> Reports for too old versions could be avoided by not listing old versions
> at all, and telling a user that if he/she can't find his/her version in
> the list to upgrade.

I'd be in favour of dropping old versions, unfortunately I believe
this involves thousands of existing bugs losing their current version
Then again, I hate bugzilla and the new bug page is a UX disaster. The
minuscule scroll areas for component/version, the attachment size
limit which gives no warning at that point (and simply disappears once
the bug is filed)...
While we're talking about changes to the new bug UI, I'd like to
suggest dropping Component from there altogether and put it in
advanced fields (if editable by users at all - you need a pretty deep
understanding of wine/windows APIs to pick one).

J. Leclanche

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