Fixing up the code style

Frédéric Delanoy frederic.delanoy at
Sun Feb 16 19:11:07 CST 2014

On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 7:32 AM, Erich E. Hoover
<erich.e.hoover at> wrote:
> ...
> I agree, Sebastian and I have been debating what to do with this
> function (and RtlAcquireResourceShared) for some time and style is the
> only thing keeping us from submitting the one-line fix for these.
> Honestly, it would be really great if we could run something like
> astyle on the whole codebase so that we were always working off of a
> "known good" style.

Well, someone's "good style" is someone else's "bad style".
For instance, I find "if(...)" constructs ugly, but some devs like it
apparently, so if that's what's being used in the "surrounding code",
it should be kept that way, for consistency.

What could/should be fixed, IMO, is code which is obviously
broken/unclear, but limited to the enclosing block, but that should
happen quite often.


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