kernel32: Partially implement GetGeoInfo()

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Mon Jul 7 19:49:58 CDT 2014

Nikolay Sivov <nsivov at> wrote:

> > Some of this info already exists in the locale data under dlls/kernel32/nls
> > and returned by GetLocaleInfo(), probably it would be a good idea to add
> > missing geo data there as well (auto-generate from the public source) and
> > use it from inside of GetGeoInfo().
> This patch implements geotypes that don't belong to nls, meaning they 
> don't depend on locale.
> Other types like friendly name and country name as localized, and I'll 
> plan to add them to nls files.

Wouldn't it be easier to just map geo id to locale id instead of creating
a completely separate data set? That way mapping between locale and geo
info would look something like this:

GEO_RFC1766 -> LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME (mlang uses this mapping)
GEO_LCID -> mapped lcid
GEO_FRIENDLYNAME -> something appropriate
GEO_OFFICIALNAME -> something appropriate


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