Video memory size detection in D3D

Ruslan Kabatsayev b7.10110111 at
Fri May 30 01:01:06 CDT 2014

Hello all,

It seems Wine doesn't use any way to reliably detect video memory
size, and for many video cards needs it to be specified as
HKCU\Software\Wine\Direct3D\VideoMemorySize key in registry.
But there exist at least three (vendor-specific) GL/GLX extensions
which seem to address exactly this. Namely, for Mesa it's
GLX_MESA_query_renderer [1], for nVidia it's GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info
[2], and for ATI/AMD it's GL_ATI_meminfo [3]. Mesa extension is
shipping starting from Mesa 10.0, nVidia ships their extension in
195.XX drivers (said in specification; I have it exposed with my
313.09 driver), don't know status of ATI extension though (marked as
"???" in spec).

It'd be good if Wine could utilize these. Is there any work towards
this already?



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