CoInternetParseUrl and concepts explanation.

Philippe Groarke philippe.groarke at
Sun Apr 5 15:04:57 CDT 2015


I am currently exploring Wine code base looking for low hanging fruits I can contribute to. I think CoInternetParseUrl and other URLMon stubs seemed easy enough I want to try and implement some. I also see many URLMon stubs when using Wine for games and applications.

In CoInternetParseUrl, you use a switch case depending on the parameters passed. These in turn call specific methods for each parameter, which most do the same thing, call IInternetProtocolInfo_ParseUrl with the desired parse option . This function is defined in urlmon header. It seems to call a saved This on runtime, derefencing a saved (?) virtual table calling ParseUrl. It is also implemented in the header (static FORCEINLINE) and also calls the ParseUrl. 

There are some STDMETHODCALLTYPE pure virtual methods inside a IInternetProtocoleInfo class. A struct virtual table IInternetProtocolInfoVtbl O_o I cannot find the actual ParseUrl implementation, though in misc.c, there are many references to CHECK_CALLED(ParseUrl) and SET_EXPECT(ParseUrl). I have no clue what is going on here to be completely honest.

Finally, in misc.c there are some pCoInternetParseUrl and CoInternetParseUrl tests. But nothing that seems to implement what I need.

My question is, why go through all these hoops instead of implementing CoInternetParseUrl inside internet.c. I am sure there is good reasoning behind this, I would just like to understand why. Also, where do I implement ParseUrl or IInternetProtocolInfo_ParseUrl?

Thank you for any help in understanding what is going on here. Good day,
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