Add Graphics Driver connection for winejoystick.drv

Josh DuBois duboisj at
Fri Apr 10 13:44:17 CDT 2015

On 4/10/15 1:28 PM, Aric Stewart wrote:
> I believe his thinking is that if a Mac user needs to use X11 for a game then that is the bug that needs to be fixed.
I don't know the overall philosophy on the X11 driver outside of Linux, 
but it seems useful to me to keep X11 working on all platforms where it 
exists.  It seems like X11 has useful features that wouldn't likely end 
up in wine's other platform-specific user-drivers (It's useful for 
remote display, and I thought that, e.g., x11vnc could do remote display 
of even opengl windows.)

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