USB Support

Joel Holdsworth joel at
Wed Apr 29 04:27:04 CDT 2015

> I got into this because I'm writing firmware for a custom USB device
> to use in an embedded Linux system and the vendor tools are only
> available for Windows. Sigh. And of course Wine handles everything
> fine *except* the USB snooping. I've spent my entire professional
> life working the in Unix workstation & HPC world staring with PDP-11 and
> later VAX "boot me" tapes from Bell Labs / Western Electric. I think
> the last time I had to write a Windows GUI app was when the original
> Windows 95 was released :-( So I'm woefully out of date on Windows.

I probably shouldn't tell you this because I *really* want USB support 
in Wine, but you can currently do this currently using a VM. Run your 
application in a Windows in VirtualBox, then you can use Linux's usbmon 
to sniff the traffic.

To do the capture I usually start off with wireshark, and then use this 
command line tool that I maintain:

With a command line packet trace, you can then do greps, diffs, vidiff 
etc. to reverse engineer the protocol.

Kind Regards

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