[PATCH] cmd: Consistently wrap lines to 75 characters.

Francois Gouget fgouget at free.fr
Sun Dec 6 12:53:29 CST 2015

On Fri, 3 Jul 2015, Alex Henrie wrote:

> 75 characters is the maximum length of a line before gettext breaks it,
> so this convention will cause each translatable string to fit snugly
> into the po files. It's also about what we were doing anyway, just not
> consistently.

I think this patch and particularly its justification does not make any 

The command line tool messages were wrapped to the typical width of a 
terminal: 80 characters. So with this change the messages now take more 
lines and lose in readability for the user.

So now we gettext does not wrap the messages as much in the PO files. 
But that's totally irrelevant and invisible to the users. It's also 
totally irrelevant and invisible to a translator as soon as he uses a 
tool like poedit or a web GUI like Pootle.

So what we have here is a change made solely to make things look a bit 
nicer to the few developers who look at PO files, at the cost of making 
them slightly worse for our users. Not a good tradeoff in my book and 
never a good justification for a patch.

> I removed Hebrew "translations" of cmd.rc that were just copies of 
> the English strings,

There was a reason for these. Has anything changed?

Francois Gouget <fgouget at free.fr>              http://fgouget.free.fr/
          The last time religion ruled, it was called the dark ages.

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