[PATCH] wined3d: Restore WINEDDBLT_ALPHATEST support.

Stefan Dösinger stefandoesinger at gmail.com
Wed Dec 9 13:14:55 CST 2015

> Am 09.12.2015 um 10:09 schrieb Henri Verbeet <hverbeet at gmail.com>:
> Oh, I somehow thought DDBLT_ALPHATEST was a real thing, in which case
> it would have been easy to write some basic ddraw tests.
There's DDBLT_ALPHASRC and stuff, but I haven't seen it supported anywhere.

> Since it
> isn't though, I have to wonder if you wouldn't get pretty much the
> same effect by just using a color keyed blit and setting the color key
> values to 0x00000000 and 0x00ffffff?
Right, that will work inside the ARB blitter and would avoid the glEnable / glDisable there. It won't work for the fixed function blitter because it doesn't support range color keys, so we'll need the special WINEDDBLT_ALPHATEST. (And no, I think supporting range color keys inside the fixed function blitter to generate a no-op conversion and so on for the pointer is fragile overkill.)

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