comctl32: SysDateTimePick32 control add Alt+down hot key likewindows

Changhui Liu liuchanghui at
Sun Feb 15 10:06:15 CST 2015

Hi Dmitry,
Thank you for your advice.

> I wouldn't be surprised if the control just does SendMessage with an
> appropriate message to itself. Is it possible to add a message test?
I found that the messages sent to DateTimePick32 control is different in different windows and wine,
for example,
1, In wine, the messages are:
trace:datetime:DATETIME_WindowProc 104, 28, 0
trace:datetime:DATETIME_WindowProc 86, 0, 1e005a
trace:datetime:DATETIME_WindowProc 6, 0, 1e005a
trace:datetime:DATETIME_WindowProc 8, 1e005a, 0

2, In winxp pro 32bit:

datetime.c:839:   0: expected: nothing - actual: 0104 wp 00000028 lp 00000000
datetime.c:839:   1: expected: nothing - actual: 0055 wp 00030196 lp 00000003
datetime.c:839:   2: expected: nothing - actual: 0129 wp 00000000 lp 00000000
datetime.c:839:   3: expected: nothing - actual: 0031 wp 00000000 lp 00000000
datetime.c:839:   4: expected: nothing - actual: 0014 wp 01010050 lp 00000000
datetime.c:839:   5: expected: nothing - actual: 007f wp 00000002 lp 00000000
datetime.c:839:   6: expected: nothing - actual: 007f wp 00000000 lp 00000000
datetime.c:839:   7: expected: nothing - actual: 007f wp 00000001 lp 00000000
datetime.c:839:   8: expected: nothing - actual: 000f wp 00000000 lp 00000000
datetime.c:839:   9: expected: nothing - actual: 0085 wp 5d040652 lp 00000000
datetime.c:839:   10: expected: nothing - actual: 000d wp 00000208 lp 0022e884
datetime.c:839:   11: expected: nothing - actual: 000d wp 00000208 lp 0022e920
datetime.c:839:   12: expected: nothing - actual: 0014 wp 01010053 lp 00000000

3, In win8 32bit:

datetime.c:839:   0: expected: nothing - actual: 0104 wp 00000028 lp 00000000
datetime.c:839:   1: expected: nothing - actual: 0055 wp 000300f6 lp 00000003
datetime.c:839:   2: expected: nothing - actual: 0129 wp 00000000 lp 00000000
datetime.c:839:   3: expected: nothing - actual: 0031 wp 00000000 lp 00000000
datetime.c:839:   4: expected: nothing - actual: 0014 wp 140105d7 lp 00000000
datetime.c:839:   5: expected: nothing - actual: 007f wp 00000001 lp 00000000
datetime.c:839:   6: expected: nothing - actual: 007f wp 00000002 lp 00000000
datetime.c:839:   7: expected: nothing - actual: 007f wp 00000000 lp 00000000
datetime.c:839:   8: expected: nothing - actual: 031f wp 00000001 lp 00000000
datetime.c:839:   9: expected: nothing - actual: 031f wp 00000001 lp 00000000
datetime.c:839:   10: expected: nothing - actual: 000f wp 00000000 lp 00000000

so I think it is not suitable write a message test.

> Did you miss a 'break;' or a fall through is intentiional? In the latter
> case please add a proper comment.

It is the latter case, I attached a new path, please help me review it again when you are free.
Thanks a lot.


------------------ Original ------------------
From:  "Dmitry Timoshkov"<dmitry at>;
Date:  Fri, Feb 13, 2015 07:07 PM
To:  "Changhui Liu"<liuchanghui at>; 
Cc:  "wine-devel"<wine-devel at>; 
Subject:  Re: comctl32: SysDateTimePick32 control add Alt+down hot key likewindows

"Changhui Liu" <liuchanghui at> wrote:

> +    case WM_SYSKEYDOWN:
> +        if (wParam == VK_DOWN)
> +        {
> +            POINT pt;
> +            RECT rect;
> +            GetClientRect(hwnd, &rect);
> +            pt.x = rect.right - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL)/2;
> +            pt.y = + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL)/2;
> +
> +            return DATETIME_LButtonDown (infoPtr, (SHORT)pt.x, (SHORT)pt.y);

I wouldn't be surprised if the control just does SendMessage with an
appropriate message to itself. Is it possible to add a message test?

> +        }
> +

Did you miss a 'break;' or a fall through is intentiional? In the latter
case please add a proper comment.

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