[PATCH 2/2] d3dx9_36: Implement triangle filter when create textures

Matteo Bruni matteo.mystral at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 04:09:42 CDT 2015

2015-06-09 10:49 GMT+02:00 Sergey Isakov <isakov-sl at bk.ru>:
> This algo just tested long ago.
> May be it can be rewritten to float point math but it requires additional efforts.
> It does differ from MS algo because it is my algo not related to MS.
> Manually observe? I did this and sent a picture. Can't imagine what should be done with tests suit.

The test I mentioned is not meant for the Wine test suite (even though
it would be nice to have some kind of Wine test eventually). You would
write a standalone application (or hack something in the d3dx9 tests,
it might be easier) along the lines of what I described and run it
against native d3dx9_36.dll, ideally on Windows. You'd save the
filtered images and eyeball them to try to figure out what's the
filtering algorithm used by MS. I have no idea whether it will be
doable in practice or not but it seems worth a try.

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