wininet: accept Version in cookies

Sebastian Lackner sebastian at
Fri Mar 13 01:46:17 CDT 2015

On 13.03.2015 07:41, Daniel Lehman wrote:
>> "version=" are 8 chars, why do you compare only the first 7?
> I was following the cases directly above it:
>         else if (strncmpiW(ptr, szSecure, 6) == 0)
>         {
> ...
>         }
>         else if (strncmpiW(ptr, szHttpOnly, 8) == 0)
> szPath and szDomain use 5 and 7, respectively, so they're not all consistent
> should I change them all to be the same?  same or different patch?
> thanks
> daniel

secure and HttpOnly are flags, there is no "=" afterwards, so the string
length should be correct. One thing which is not completely correct though
is that "secureXYZ" would be interpreted as "secure". If you want to fix that too,
it should probably go into a separate patch.

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