Who decides what are good translations war: Update German translation.

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at baikal.ru
Sun Sep 6 02:22:37 CDT 2015

Alex Henrie <alexhenrie24 at gmail.com> wrote:

> >> Wine does not try to be a 'better' windows. There is no 'good' translations,
> >> but just what localised windows does. Different from localised windows
> >> is a flaw, even if it is arguably 'better'.  one might choose to have
> >> a flaw occasionally, but a flaw it is, if it is different from localised
> >> windows.
> >
> > Wine runs Windows applications, if an application doesn't depend on a
> > particular translation wording then there is no point to duplicate what
> > Windows has there.
> Is it fair to say that Wine is designed to be familiar to Windows
> users? If that is the case, then using terminology familiar to Windows
> users is in line with Wine's goals, even though we aren't trying to
> duplicate every user interface word for word.

Fair enough, but Wine runs under a host OS and it probably would be better
and more confortable to a user if Wine translations be in line with the ones
of the host OS (be it Linux, Mac, or any other).


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