Compilation with winegcc vs compilation in Wine source

Ken Thomases ken at
Tue Aug 16 14:30:58 CDT 2016

On Aug 16, 2016, at 1:57 PM, Ruslan Kabatsayev <b7.10110111 at> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to integrate my program into Wine source and having some
> difficulties with doing OpenGL calls. Namely, when I compile the
> program with mingw and with winegcc, it works flawlessly. But when I
> integrate it into Wine source tree (taking regedit as an example),
> stack appears smashed after OpenGL calls.

> Apparently in-tree compilation assumes another calling convention for
> glLightModelfv here...
> What could be the reason for this? How should I set up my
> so that it generated a result compatible with opengl32 calling
> convention?

What headers are you including in the C code?  This is probably a result of not having the proper declarations, which would be decorated with calling convention specifications.


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