[PATCH 1/1] gdiplus: Fix for the "graphics object has no HDC" issue in GdipDrawPath

Vincent Povirk madewokherd at gmail.com
Tue Aug 30 18:25:11 CDT 2016

>> Not just because of performance. Gdiplus has some features that gdi32
>> does not, such as anti-aliasing, semi-transparent brushes, and
>> gradient brushes.
> I see.. So basically everything with hdc is old GDI and everything without is
> GDI+?

If there's an HDC, we use a mix of GDI rendering and GDI+ rendering.
If GDI can support a particular drawing operation, we use that.
Otherwise, we render it internally and send it to the HDC using

At least, that's the general policy. There may be exceptions.

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