How to find out the source code function from compiled running address

Bruno Jesus 00cpxxx at
Wed Aug 31 11:32:34 CDT 2016

On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:40 PM, Michael Müller <michael at> wrote:
> Am 30.08.2016 um 22:09 schrieb Bernhard Übelacker:
>> $ wine winedbg --gdb
>> ...
>> 0025:0026: loads DLL C:\windows\system32\wined3d.dll @0x7ec20000 (0<0>)
>> ...
>> Wine-gdb> info symbol 0x7ec2EF19
>> init_output_registers + 1172 in section .text of /.../dlls/wined3d/
> This does not work in case wined3d got relocated. You can either use
> addr2line or winedbg directly on the target process. For addr2line you
> need to know the base address of wined3d in the crashed process and then
> use something like:
> addr2line -e -j .text 0xdeadbeef
> where 0xdeadbeef is the address of the crash minus the base address of
> the ELF section as shown in the crash dump. I think using winedbg is
> easier. Either directly start the process using winedbg or in case the
> process detects debuggers, you can also SHIFT + right click on the crash
> dialog to start winedbg. Then you can just use bt to display the
> backtrace including the source code lines (although the output should be
> identical to the crash dialog). For arbitrary addresses, you can just
> disassemble some instructions, it should also display the filename and
> line number using x/10i 0xdeadbeef. You can also use registers this way
> (for example x/10i $eip).
> If the application sets up its own crash handler, you can either attach
> to the process when it displays an error by starting winedbg as
> standalone program and then use "info process" and "attach 0x...". This
> way you won't get a correct backtrace though, so you might want to edit
> dlls/ntdll/signal_i386.c instead. I attached a hack to prevent 32 bit
> applications from catching access violations. In case they call
> SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, you also need to make this a noop as it
> replaces the handler to start the debugger.

Thanks to you both, I'll try both methods and find out what works best.

Best regards,

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