[PATCH 2/2] user32: Send WM_NCPAINT and WM_ERASEBKGND when window is shown and add tests

Marvin testbot at winehq.org
Thu Dec 22 14:17:57 CST 2016


While running your changed tests on Windows, I think I found new failures.
Being a bot and all I'm not very good at pattern recognition, so I might be
wrong, but could you please double-check?
Full results can be found at

Your paranoid android.

=== w7u (32 bit msg) ===
msg.c:9126: Test failed: did not get zero count as expected (1).
msg.c:9129: Test failed: did not get one count as expected (2).
msg.c:9133: Test failed: killing replaced timer did not work (2).
msg.c:9146: Test failed: did not get expected count for minimum timeout (12 != ~100).

=== w7pro64 (64 bit msg) ===
msg.c:12258: Test failed: 56: ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE): 5: in msg 0x0047 expecting wParam 0x8170 got 0x1803
msg.c:12258: Test failed: 56: ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE): 6: the msg 0x0003 was expected, but got msg 0x0009 instead
msg.c:12258: Test failed: 56: ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE): 7: the msg 0x0005 was expected, but got msg 0x0047 instead
msg.c:12258: Test failed: 56: ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE): 13: the msg sequence is not complete: expected 0000 - actual 0003

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